This month we’re honored to spotlight one of our drivers for Cooper Freight – Patty Palmer.
Why do you like working at Cooper Freight?
It’s a good place to work. Very laid back job. Nice people to work with and get along with.
What are some perks at Cooper Freight that you enjoy?
Work environment.
What are your go-to snacks on the road?
Cheese Crackers, Pork Skins and a Diet Mountain Dew.
What is your favorite quote or bible verse that you live by?
I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.
What are some misconceptions about truck driving you’d like for people to understand?
A lot of people think driving a truck is easy and all you do is drive. Driving a truck you have to have a lot of patience and be on your toes constantly to make several decisions while driving down the road.
What would you like people to know about trucking and working at Cooper Freight?
Working at Cooper Freight is a great place to work people are nice and that means A LOT!
Join Patty and the Cooper Freight Family
We are accepting applications for OTR, Team, and Local Company Drivers. Click here to learn more about our driver benefits, pay, and company culture.
For more information on our hiring process and qualifications, please call the Recruitment Office at (901) 215-9100 Or email to drive4us@cooperfreight.com