Everybody loves the summer season. It is an opportunity for us to feel warmer, and experience longer nights. Summer makes it possible to go on the vacations we have dreamt about and to enjoy all the fun there is.
Ideally, the summer season gives us the perfect weather. Our eyes are sharper to see clearly and it offers everyone, including truck drivers the privilege to drive on dry roads. However, all of these benefits come with certain negative effects if not well enjoyed.
Road accidents don’t just happen; certain factors cause them and some of these factors are beyond the control of the truck drivers.
Truck drivers work throughout the year, however, records have it that there are usually more accidents experienced by truck drivers during the summer than in the winter.
During summer, there are usually more people using the road. A recent study by NHTSA shows that there is a rise in the number of road users during the summer season, usually about twenty percent.
Since not all of these road users are expert drivers, this consequently means that there is a higher likelihood that an accident rate may increase likewise.
It has been discovered that during summer, most of these road users are young chap, usually students on summer break. Their years of driving experience is lesser than you can imagine. This is why more road accidents are recorded during the summer season.
The hot temperature during the summer season also calls for concern. There is usually a high rate of road accidents recorded due to its negative impact on truck tires. Truck tires expand and blowout during the summer season because of an increase in temperature.
The flow of vehicular movement during the summer season is usually restricted due to civil construction companies and asphalt plants who are busy working on the road. During this period, most roads are closed, lanes are suddenly altered and there is usually traffic congestion.
Generally, about ninety percent of road accidents are caused by drivers. This is why it is very important for drivers, especially those who drive for Cooper Freight to know the hazards and risks they are likely to face during summer and also know how to drive safely in this season.
Safety Tips to Beat The Heat
Regardless of your driving experience, there are safety tips that you must adhere to as a truck driver. During the summer season, there are necessary safety precautions that you must practically apply and follow in order not to be a victim of any road accident.
1. Always Stay hydrated
Most company drivers usually get engrossed in their driving work that they forget to take water. There is a very high probability of a truck driver failing to drink water while driving.
The summer season is usually very hot. This increase in temperature means that staying hydrated is non-negotiable. A bottle of water by your side will be of great help. If possible, you can even set a reminder until your mind has been unconsciously trained for this new lifestyle.
Another effective means of staying hydrated is to have electrolyte powder with you always. When you sense the feeling of dehydration, you can mix the electrolyte supplement with a bottle of water, and you will be fine. Gatorade is a great brand you can go for and it is available in most grocery stores.
2. Inflate your truck tires well
It has been observed that most truck tires usually blowout during the summer season due to the increase in atmospheric temperature. Insufficient air in your truck tires can heightened the chances of tire blowout, which his can be very dangerous. This is why you must confirm daily whether or not your truck is well inflated before setting out for the day.
3. Examine the brake system
There is a loss of friction that occurs often during the summer season. This is because in this season, the brake system is unable to absorb extra heat. This can be very risky.
A brake failure may occur on motion which may lead to fatal road accidents. This is why it is very important for local drivers to always examine the brake system of their trucks regularly.
4. Stay away from harsh sunlight
Local drivers are exposed to the harsh intensity of sunlight during the day throughout the summer season and this can be very unsafe. This is why road experts have recommended that truck drivers should endeavor to wear long sleeve clothes and sunscreens to protect themselves. Another effective way is to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
5. Drive safely on congested roads
During the summer season, there is usually traffic congestion due to a geometric increase in the number of road users and the construction activities going on these roads.
Many students and families are outside observing the summer break. The roads are usually jam-packed. This makes driving unsafe for most truck drivers. Hence, every truck driver must be extra cautious during the season. They must be more vigilant in order to avoid causing any road accident.
The summer is the best season to enjoy and have fun. Follow the truck driving safety tips above and have fun, stay comfortable and safe when you drive.
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